May Catch Up 21′

Its been a pretty quiet month this month.

Overall Eva’s energy levels have been so up and down. I mentioned in my previous post that Eva wasn’t eating her feeds as per usual at this time of year. I was able to get a feed in her after work but she was refusing to eat breakfast and dinner. During May she did decide to start eating breakfast but is still too excited to get out to the field in the afternoon to eat her dinner.

She is such a diva, no other horse refuses a feed because they know they are going to the field! I think she doesn’t want to miss any field drama….

When she did start eating breakfast again we did have an energy boost and there was a few days where she was feeling so fab. So I took advantage while we were feeling good to do some grid work

Eva loves her grid work and gets quite forward so its the one time that I have to get Eva to wait for the jump and not rush through!

She was just so on it that day and I’ve just not had the same energy back since despite having four days in a row off at one point. So we are upping her feed in the morning and I’m going to try feed her as much as I can after she’s been worked and we will see where we are at after a few weeks.

At the end of May I had a jumping lesson with my normal instructor. My aim was to decide at the end of the lesson what class to enter in the showjumping competition at the yard in June. There was a course up from a clinic the previous day and we had a good jump round.

I went in hoping that we would feel good enough to enter the meter class and start pushing out of the comfort zone.

During the lesson she jumped great, well apart from one point were we put two strides in a one stride double… Surprised we still cleared that one!

But apart from that she was great! We even ended up taking a stride out of a combination and doing it on four strides instead of the five!

The problem? The lesson was quite short because I couldn’t get much more out of her. Again with the energy problem. If I didn’t think it would blow her brains I would be tempted to use an energy shot before jumping!

The decision in the end was to enter only the 90cm as I know we can get a nice round out of it. While we could probably climb round the meter class, the aim of the competition in June is just to get round (hopefully clear).

I think sometimes I want to push us up and out of our comfort zone its important to take a step back and think what we want to achieve. Yes we can and have jumped higher for a few jumps but can I jump a course of 12 jumps and keep everything together and the energy up? No.

So especially since it is the first show back I’m keeping with a height that I know we are happy with.

If we keep jumping how we were in the lesson and have more energy moving up a level isn’t too far off!

Looking for to June our goal is consistency, I want Eva’s energy to become more consistent and I want to keep consistent with our training by keeping to a schedule. That includes keeping up with my work outs at home! I’m slightly hoping we will get out to one eventing this year and I will be kicking myself if I don’t feel fit enough for it.

Also I’ll be picking up something very exciting for Eva and I, and that will result on a few more things to blog about!

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